Francisco Jiménez Cabrera
Francisco Jiménez Cabrera I have always been interested in computer and technology scene. Currently, I spend my days working as a web developer at Canonical.

Keychron keyboard special shortcuts and Linux function keys

Keychron keyboard special shortcuts and Linux function keys

Special Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
FN + B Battery level (RGB versions - if the power is above 70%, the charging indicator is green; at 30%~70 %, the charging indicator will be blue; when it is under 30%, the charging indicator will keep flashing.)
FN + + Faster LEDs
FN + - Slower LEDs
FN + S + O (4 seconds) Disable auto-sleep mode
FN + X + L (4 seconds) Switch between function and multimedia keys
FN + J + Z (4 seconds) Factory reset
FN + Left/Right Arrow Change LED Colours for current effect
FN + Caps Lock + P Hold these three keys together for 6 seconds, The Caps Lock key will no longer follow the backlight mode, it will be used to indicate the status of capital/ small letters. Repeat to return to following other keys’
FN + L + Light Hold these three keys together for 6 seconds it will lock the light effect you are using now. To unlock the light effect, press these three keys together for 6 seconds again. Please make sure to hold the fn and L key first then hold the light effect key.
FN + I + D Hold these three keys together for 6 seconds, and the function of the del key will be reversed to insert. Then the short press the key to get insert, press fn key combination will get the del function. Hold these three keys together for 6 seconds again to change back to the default.
FN + S + L + R Set the auto sleep time to 10 mins
FN + S + L + T Set the auto sleep time to 20 mins
FN + S + L + Y Set the auto sleep time to 30 mins
FN + Light Turn lights on / off
FN + Q (4 seconds) Activate discoverable mode
FN + 1 / 2 / 3 Change connected device (up to 3 devices)
FN + K + C (4 seconds) The function of F5/F6 will switch to the normal F5/F6 function under the Mac system, and the keyboard backlight control will adjust to FN+F5/F6. And vice versa.

Linux Function Keys

On Linux, the Keychron K2 doesn’t register any of the F1-F12 function keys as actual F keys, instead, treating them as multimedia keys by default. Here’s how to fix it!

To fix it:

Set the keyboard to Windows mode via the side switch and use the Fn + X + L shortcut to set the function key row to “Function” mode.

Run: echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode

Once complete, the F1-F12 keys should work properly, and holding Fn turns them into multimedia keys.

To persist this change:

Run this to add a module option for hid_apple:

echo "options hid_apple fnmode=0" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf

For Ubuntu: sudo update-initramfs -u

For Arch: mkinitcpio -P

I hope this helps.

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